17 de setembro de 2015
Project: Logic Engineering.
Research Group (CAPES/CNPq).
Technology management.
Develop Analytical Technology Optimized Decision focused on formal logic (in Calculation Logic and Algebra of Logic), in Argumentation Theory and Deductive Inferential Analysis for Utterance, Assessment and Troubleshooting, Processes and Services Real World (in general) and Industry (in particular), establishing their methods and techniques. Enable the establishment of effective approaches between Industry and Academia, between Science and Technology.Only when the Industry and Academia come together to solve real-world problems will be allowed to promote the generation of useful knowledge and necessary for the proper development of our nation and for the betterment of the People.
Optimization. Process consistency directors. Prevention of occurrences of logical errors (contradictions). Produce required results. New possibilities of action or directions. Possibilities of the company following dynamic differentiated and more efficient. The reality of business is equated consistently and logically.
Responsible/Coordinator Researcher:
Carlos Magno Corrêa Dias.
In “Catálogo de inovação (Innovation catalog) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná”. Curitiba: Ed. UTFPR, 2011. ISSN impresso 2178-4000. ISSN CD ROM 2237-4000.
Carlos Magno Corrêa Dias